Simple And Effective Trick To Get Rid Of Stuffy Nose In A Few Seconds

Yes, this is a real and unbearable problem! We all face with this problem at least once…you wake up in the morning with a clogged nose and with the inability to breathe because of clogged sinuses. All of this can lead to other health problems: pressure in the sinuses, cracked lips, headaches and losing your hearing.

What are you doing then?

You take quickly a napkin and try to blow your nose, but surprise, you can’t, and you rush to the pharmacy and buy a nasal spray. And surprise…this doesn’t make you feel better and you start to feel angry.

But, why not trying a natural solution, which is safe with no side effects. In the below video you’ll see what is all about and respecting the following steps, you’ll get rids of stuffy nose in the blink of an eye.

1) Stick your tongue on the palate. Hold it there for a few seconds then return to the initial original position. After that, press with a finger for 20 seconds, the area between your eyebrows. The congestion will release and you’ll be able to breathe again.

2) Hold your breath – a simple trick to free the nasal airways. Lean your head on your back, hold your nose and stop breathing for as long as possible. When you can’t do this anymore, breathe through your mouth then exhale on your nose. That way you will clean your respiratory tract!

Simple And Effective Trick To Get Rid Of Stuffy Nose In A Few Seconds Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: AnDrew Alvin